Thursday 17 March 2011

Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips

Everybody's been wondering if Bioré Deep Cleansing Pore Strips really work or if its just a scam, so hopefully this will answer your question.

My nose is entirely covered in blackheads, which is when your pores get plugged by excess oils, and the tips of those plugs turn black. It's disgusting, and makes me feel really self-conscious.

The nose strips did work on me, but only removed half of my blackheads. I don't know why it neglected so many others, but at least it took off some. After a couple of times, I noticed that I was removing more and more, so don't give up the first time! You can see all the junk pulled out of your skin on the nose strip, and it gives me a good feeling to know I cleaned so deeply!

I suggest trying it, because on some people it works really well. You can't decide off of reviews only, so definitely give it a try!

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